Student Handbook
The 2023-2024 student handbook is uploaded and ready to be viewed here!
The 2023-2024 student handbook is uploaded and ready to be viewed here!
Families! We have a new bell schedule with our new start times for this upcoming 2023-2024 school year. Please follow this link to view our updated bell schedule! Thank you everyone and can't wait to see the kids back at school!
Hey Families! There's new school start times for the 2023-2024 school year. Fort Vancouver H.S. will now start at 8:35am and go till 3:10pm. There are many benefits to adjusting high school start times. To learn more about the district's decisions and start times, please visit this link here.
Hey families! Fort Vancouver H.S. is having picture days before school this year. Please click here to view information regarding picture days and times! Thank you and we're so excited to see everyone again!
Trappers- 2024 Summer Sports Physicals Sponsored by Vancouver Public Schools and Family Medicine of Southwest Washington Available to Vancouver Public School students entering 6th through 12th grades These physicals are provided by volunteers and are meant to target those athletes with difficulty accessing care or who do not have health insurance. These exams are not meant to replace [...]
Parents and Guardians of the Class of 2023, here is some very important end of year senior activites and graduation information! Congratulations Seniors!
Dear Fort Families: This year Fort will be hosting summer school from June 21, 2022 to June 30, 2022 for students who have failed classes. There will be a morning option (8:30-11:30am) and an afternoon option (12-3pm). This is an awesome opportunity for students to recover credits so that they can graduate on time. Please [...]
Upcoming Pacific Islander Night - May 12th at 5:30PM at FVHS! Check the flyer for more info!
Finals are here everyone. Please check out our Finals Schedule to see when they are for the 2023 school year!
Check out this Smoothie Story 2022-2023 (Video) about how our FVHS ASB students worked with nutrition services to provide smoothies for breakfast. Thank you to Cheryl and the cafeteria staff for their support of the project, the ASB students for their hard work, and Mr. Hansen for working with everyone needed in these efforts.