Career Center News

Dates to know

Find upcoming college visits, career fairs, ASVAB testing, military visits, field trips and more!

How can we help you?

We are here for you no matter where you are!

All advising will be conducted remotely via phone, Xello, or video conferencing.

From internships, to college applications, to how to answer tough employer interview questions…we’re here to help you!

Email Jennifer Pongracz to schedule an appointment!


Toni Burnett
Career Center, Clerk
Career Center Clerk
Jennifer Pongracz, Counselor
Jennifer Pongracz
Career Center
Career guidance specialist

Scholarship Notifications

We want to highlight you for senior awards! But we need your help.

Did you get a scholarship? Who received award letters?

Please email with details.

We want to celebrate YOU.

FAFSA challenge

The challenge is on to get money for your future.

FAFSA completion percentage.


Future Me

Future Me

For information on college enrollment, military opportunities, scholarships, and employment, visit FutureMe!

Career and counseling support