What is Title I?
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is a federal program that provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities that support students identified as failing or at-risk of failing the state’s performance standards in math, reading and/or writing.
An overview of the district’s commitment to parent involvement.
Read the policy.
The district’s procedure which includes all the Title I required components to support parent involvement in the schools.
Read the procedure.
The citizen’s complaint process overview for certain categorical federal programs, including Title I, Part A.
Visit OSPI’s website.
You can learn more about Title I and find additional resources by visiting School improvement: VPS Title I information.
Our mission

We are leaders who value diversity, and we empower lifelong learners who actively and positively contribute to our school, our community and our world.