The mission of the school counseling department is to deliver a comprehensive counseling program that prepares all students to become college-ready and career-focused. The school counseling department strives to help students develop in the academic, personal/social, college and career domains, while building partnerships with staff, parents and the community in order to develop successful, lifelong learners.
What each class needs to know
More information
Can be made only on a space-available basis. Changes must be requested before the 10th day of a semester. Students who request withdrawal from a course after the 10th day will be issued an F grade for that grading period. Requests are considered for the following reasons: incorrect placement, missing class, teacher recommends changes or willingness to replace an elective with a graduation requirement.
Visuwords online graphical dictionary: Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Produce diagrams reminiscent of a neural net. Learn how words associate.
Basic steps in the research process: With the information provided from your teacher, use this webpage as a tool to develop a research paper.
Graduation toolkit: State testing and graduation requirements for the classes of 2017 and 2018
Ayuda con la tarea: Por favor venga al salon 177 despues de la escuela para hacer la tarea con otros estudiantes y maestros.
High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) and End-of-Course Exam (EOC) information: Find out about the specific requirements for each grade level in regard to state testing.
Handling test stress: Pressure to get high marks can increase a student’s anxiety over grades and make tests a nerve-racking experience. Learn about good stress vs. bad stress and find tips to deal with high stress levels.
Motivating the unmotivated student: What causes a lack of motivation and how to change it
Ten ways to jump start college planning: Decisions that a student makes as early as eighth grade can have a huge effect on their college career, including whether they go to college at all, how soon they will go to college and what type of college they will attend.
The Search site for Washington state–specific scholarships
First in the family—parent information: College is a big step, particularly when your child is the first in your family to consider college. College will provide opportunities and experiences that you didn’t have. How do you advise your child? This brochure can help.
Los primeros en la familia: Enviar a un hijo a la universidad es un paso importante, especialmente cuando su hijo es el primero de su familia que se plantea ir a la universidad. La universidad les brindará a sus hijos oportunidades y experiencias que usted nunca tuvo. ¿Cómo los aconsejaría? Este folleto podrá serle de ayuda.
ACT and SAT comparison chart: Learn about the differences between the two- and four-year college/university entrance exams.
School and community resources
Clark County TeenTalk
TeenTalk is a local teen-to-teen support line in which teens can contact other teens for support through phone calls, instant messages, emails and posting bulletins. Don’t have internet access? Please call 360-397-CHAT (2428) on Mondays through Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Fridays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Clark County mental health provider list
Attendance help and information
Find details on the Becca Bill and strategies to improve attendance. Also, visit the attendance page for more information on policies.
Counselors and support staff